Unweaving Chronic Pain

Exploring AWE

After listening to ‘Exploring the Power of Awe’, I think I finally may go back to giving mindfulness/meditation a try. I had given up because I just cannot get in the zone I expect I should. I get tense and stressed and distracted (although I have never persevered). I have heard the analogy that it is like a muscle that needs to be worked on to get stronger over time before. But I have never truly let this sink in for some reason. After hearing Dr. Michael and Dr. Andrea speak today about that again gave me an aha moment. I am a physiotherapist and have experienced first hand what it is like when you start working on a certain muscle group that is under active/inhibited or deconditioned. Initially you cannot feel you are doing much or feeling it in the right spot, but very quickly with short periods of focussed work on it and consistency…most days and even multiple times, all of a sudden you are like ‘wow! There it is!’ You can finally feel it contracting and strongly. This gets stronger over time. Thank you for sharing how I can replicate this process via the AWE method..simple and do-able…and now I can see how it WILL work for me…even if not so hot the first time. I won’t give up. Thanks for being so caring and relatable Andrea and for sharing all that you know to try and help others. Gifts to humanity :)

Aug. 21, 2023 by LaceySM on Apple Podcasts

Unweaving Chronic Pain

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