Free Yourself from the Burden of Pain!
Aug. 3, 2024

Intro to Human Design with Jen Mallinger


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What if understanding your unique energy blueprint could completely transform your life? Join us in an eye-opening conversation with Jen, a human design guide as she shares her transformative journey into the world of human design. Jen explains how this system offers profound revelations about personal energy alignment. Despite the initial complexity of human design charts, Jen highlights their practical applications in everyday life, helping us understand our true selves and make more aligned decisions.


For those battling chronic pain and anxiety, listening to your body can be particularly challenging. Jen provides invaluable insights into reconnecting with bodily intuition through human design. She explores different types of authorities—emotional, sacral, and splenic—and the importance of experimenting with these inner guides. Discover practical tips for body awareness and decision-making, and learn the art of navigating emotional waves to achieve clarity. This episode emphasizes giving oneself space and time, ensuring that decisions are made from a place of alignment rather than emotional turmoil.


Understanding the dynamics of human design types can revolutionize how we manage emotions and energy. Jen shares strategies for each type, revealing the significance of recognizing red flag emotions and the benefits of waiting for invitations or informing others. By tuning into these strategies and trusting one's inner authority, we can experience greater ease, flow, and fulfillment. Through personal anecdotes and actionable advice, this episode offers a compelling guide to harnessing the power of human design for a more harmonious and empowered life. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that could be the key to unlocking your unique potential.


00:00 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Welcome, welcome, jen. I am so excited to have you on here today. Hi, yeah, I'm so happy to be here, so why don't you tell people a little bit about who you are and let's just go right into? Like, how did you get into human design? 

00:28 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
human design guide, an energy intuitive and I'm into astrology as well, but that's not quite as much of my thing as human design. As soon as I discovered human design I just happened upon it in a podcast actually, and I was so intrigued. It's all about how your energy is like, best functions in the world, and how to kind of understand how your energy might be different from what culture sort of pushes on us. You know, there's a lot of listening into your inner self, your body's wisdom, versus your logical mind or what you've, you know, been taught. So that really just turned me on and I was like I need to know more about this. So most people will say that when you first discover human design, you just go down this rabbit hole and you're just looking everywhere because it's so layered. When you see your chart for the first time, there's so much going on on the chart and the words. 

The person who first sort of channeled human design his name is Ra Uruhu and he was in the 1980s actually not that long ago and he was in Ibiza, spain, walking down the street and he heard a voice say are you ready to get to work? And apparently he said yes, because then for like eight days and nights is what they say. He just channeled all of this information and it's a combination of things that we've heard of. It's a combination of astrology and the chakra system, the Chinese I Ching, the Kabbalah tree of life, like genetics. All these different things are kind of layered in together to create this picture, this sort of blueprint of your design, your energetic design, your gifts, your purpose, the strongest intuitive sort of center of your body where your truth is going to be most easily heard. And it's just very, yeah, there's a lot of layers, there's a lot to it. 

So when you first discover it, you know I spent maybe four years. I told a girlfriend about it and she was like what is this? And we both just went down the rabbit hole together and we would get together every week and just like try to figure it out. And I think now there's been a bit of I don't know like a tipping point or something where when I talk to people, when I give readings, people seem to pick it up pretty quickly. Or the first parts, like we always say to dive into your type, strategy and authority first and just experiment with those. And so when I talk to people they seem to get that part, but I remember for me I was just like what is all this stuff? And trying to understand it all at once. 

03:07 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
So yeah, yeah, and for anyone listening who is like what the heck is human design Like? What is she even talking about? And and I'll say I did not know the story of how human design was developed until like quite a bit after I had dove into it. And while I like love, woo, woo and spiritual, I'm also like really skeptical and like really I don't know. I can't think of the right word. 

03:35 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, it's out there. I mean, when you hear the origin story, it's very much out there. And so. 

03:39 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
I, yeah, I just want to say for anyone who heard that origin story, like I'm glad I didn't hear the origin story right off the bat, because I might not have given it a chance. But because I I didn't hear the origin story and I just kind of it, just I can't even honestly remember exactly how I came across of it or why at this point. Actually, no, I do remember. Anyway, that's not. It's not like anything worth sharing though. Um it, the way it was presented to me was like a very practical way, I would say, and I was someone who, like I, I always like, loved, liked reading, like my you know horoscope or something, but I never felt like it resonated that much and, like you know, I like love taking like an enneagram and whatever Myers-Briggs. But but I always I felt like I always had a lot of trouble answering the questions for those. 

And then, I'd get it and I'd be like I don't know, but I could be this or this or this, and then later I find out I'm Aquarius, so that's like part of it. Aquarius has like no stable type whatsoever, so that probably has something to do with why I'm like. Nah, nothing ever resonates. But when I like got my human design, it was one of like the most validating things that I had ever read about myself and it was the first time that I kind of like delved into any system where I was like holy shit, there's something here Like whoa, this. There was parts like it was. It was uncomfortable but like it was like oh, this is, this is me and there is anyway. So I just want to be like. I think you can go super woo, woo and spiritual with this, but human design can be like so practical. 

05:17 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Well, yeah, I mean, that is exactly what, what? That's why we say anybody who's a reader for human design we say that it's an experiment. So you know, ultimately, whether you like the woo woo part or are like what are you talking about? It doesn't really matter. If you want to just experiment with it, it's very practical. Like you said your it gives you these like ways to experiment with. You know understanding what, what is an aligned yes for you or what is a no for you, how to take those steps forward. It helps you understand how your body needs rest, how much rest and and other things where it's kind of like, if you start to experiment with the way that your design, uh, like sort of attracts opportunities, um, and options for you, that that starts to sound a little woo again. But again, it's all an experiment. It's just something to see if it has positive impact on your life, if you are interested in it. 

06:24 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, Well, let's go into, like you know, if someone has absolutely no idea what human design is, like the types and all of that is probably like what are you talking about? So let's get like super granular of like what are the different types that you could be in human design? 

06:37 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, yeah. Well, that's where we kind of start with learning. There's five types. That's the first thing, and, um, so some of them are more rare than other ones. The the first ones I always mention are the generators and the manifesting generators. That's like about they say like around 70 of the population between the two of those. 

Um, a generator type is someone who has, like, if you look at the chart and look at the different chakras, they have sacral energy. They have this like gut knowing. So if you've ever heard someone say like, oh, listen to your gut, that person probably was a generator type, because their gut speaks to them very easily of like whether something is like right for them, whether they have energy for something. So generator types, they're really meant to kind of move sort of slowly through the world but build things and master things. And we talk about aura. This is an aura type really, and generators are the most. They have the most open and receptive, warm, magnetic type of aura. 

So if you're a generator, you're really lots of people are going to be asking you to do things for them. 

They're going to be really like thinking, oh, this person's so reliable, they have all this energy and they're such a warm, inviting person, and I'm going to ask them to do this. 

So one of the first things for a generator to look at in this experiment is am I saying yes to a lot of different things that I maybe don't feel lit up about, don't feel like I really have the energy for, but I know that I could do it and I want to be helpful to people. 

So that's part of that experiment at the beginning for generator types is is like knowing that when you have a really positive response to something and you want to be involved in something, when that is going on, you're you're actually generating more good energy for the world. So it's kind of can be very liberating to hear as a generator, that you're really meant to be more selfish than you probably ever thought you were, because when you're focused on what's right for you, you're generating that more good energy and you're putting that out into the world. So that is you know the conditioning is really like thinking that you should be doing things for people and you should be doing what you could easily do for people, but turning that into like, what do I really want to do? Well, it's very transformative. 

09:15 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)

09:15 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
I'm a generator. Yeah, so am I. 

09:18 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, the saying no is really hard when you know you can do it. 

09:24 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
It is. It is hard, but if you start to do that and you make that space in your life. Another thing about generators is you're really meant to stay in the present as much as possible and generators often want to plan and kind of know where things are going. But if you stay in the present and don't make too many plans or commitments, then when you're saying no to some things, you're kind of creating some space in your life. And then you want to practice or experiment with just being really present and looking around you and being like all right, what do I really want to do in this moment? Like what do I feel inside? I have energy for that's the second thing. 

After type is strategy, and the two go together. So we talk about that type and strategy together. And generator strategy is to respond. So because you're so magnetic and sort of attracting things into your world, you always want to be responding and checking your physical body's response to those things to see whether you actually have energy for it or you just think you know, maybe mentally, that you should be doing this or doing that. So yeah, that's the generator. 

And the second type that's also a generator type, is a manifesting generator and you know, some of the words in human design are not, like, really exact. So manifesting generate doesn't doesn't just mean that they make you know they manifest more easily. It's really more about the impact that manifesting generators can have. They they're they're a generator type, but they're also able to like sort of move really quickly once they get involved in something. They're kind of able to like bounce around and like they have lots of different interests usually and they can sort of weave them all together. There's just like a buzzy bee kind of energy, they say, around manifesting generators, and I've started to really be able to recognize that. I know when I'm meeting a manifesting generator they usually say they have ADHD, which you know. I mean that's like that energy of really having a focus, that split and moving around a lot. 

11:37 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
So funny Cause it's like I'm a generator but my husband's a manifesting generator, but I feel like we're the. I feel like when you're described that I'm like I should be the manifesting generator Cause he's like so focused and so like, but but I so like I can see the like wrap, the rapidness to it. Like he decided he wanted to, like you know, run for a political office and it's like he just like went in head first and just like, yeah, bam, like made it happen and like has been go, go, going and stuff. Yeah, I'm like the all over the place ADHD yeah well, so that's definitely. 

12:15 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
You know, that's like one of the things they'll say, like he decided that that was right for him and he could just skip right to doing it, totally didn't have to spend years. You know, yeah, right, that's so him and didn't have to spend years. You know, yeah, right. 

12:26 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
That's so him. 

12:27 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
And I'm like that's not fair. 

12:28 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)

12:29 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yep, so those are the two generator types. They're both have this strategy of responding. You know, maybe for your husband, maybe he just saw something about somebody who had run for office or someone in office and he just like, probably just lit up and that's so funny. 

12:43 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
It's exactly. Is that no one was running in the seat, like the seat was uncontested. And he's like this is ridiculous, why is the seat uncontested? I need to run. He's just like okay, there you go. 

12:54 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, exactly just so funny. Yeah, respond, you know in his human design gen, sorry. 

12:58 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
And then let you finish. But no, no, go ahead. Literally like he got so bought in because it's like. I was like let let's see what your human design is. His like in what is it? The incarnation cross, Literally like you're meant to do something in community, probably in politics, and I was like what the hell? I was like this is ridiculous. That's so like vague. Like my, my like what I meant to do is like this really vague one. And his was like you are meant to like work in politics and I'm like what? 

13:29 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
yeah, exactly, and that's something that you know like we kind of get into that later, when you're diving into your human design is your incarnation cross, which is describing your purpose. But the fun thing about that is that all you need to know about it is that if you do experiment with your type and strategy and authority and just like kind of go with them and listen to your body, you end up on this path that takes you straight to your purpose and you don't have to stress about it or, like you know, spend all this time thinking about what is my purpose. You just kind of end up there. That's one of the really amazing things about playing with human design, I think. 

14:08 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, can I say one thing about that before you go into the other types, is that I think one of the most challenging things for so many people listening who may have chronic pain, may have a lot of like anxiety, things like that is that we have a really hard time listening to our body because it's like we don't trust it. Yeah, and human design requires you to listen to your body. Yeah, it's and so, and that has been something where it's like I do notice it between him and I. He's like he just like does it, like he doesn't know he's doing like he just doesn't have to think about. He just like doesn't have like the hang-ups, he's just so like oh well, this is like is what made sense. I'm like, yeah, this felt like a yeah, okay, but he has like no consciousness where I'm like. 

I've spent my entire life trying to build this connection with my body so I can listen to it, and I needed to do that because I didn't have a connection with my. I did have a connection with my body, let me. I find most people actually do have a connection with their body. They just override it with so much stuff that they have. They don't realize what their true connection is. 

But so I just want to say to anyone listening like part of I think the human design experiment is giving yourself the space to like experiment with actually trying to listen to your body and being like is this my body speaking? What happens if I listen to this voice and what happens if I listen to this? And you know that's something that I work with people a lot of like how to actually gain access to your wisdom so you can listen, because that's really challenging. And so I just want to put that out there because I know it used to give me like a lot of anxiety to hear people be like well, you just need to listen to your body, but I'm like, but I don't know what it's saying. 

15:47 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Oh, absolutely, I relate to that so much. And just a note on your incarnation cross. Your incarnation cross, your life purpose, is all about learning to listen to your intuition. That's literally it. So you obviously that has been your journey. 

But I totally know what you mean and I think one of the things that is so like calming and comforting about human design is the idea that we have an inner authority and it's maybe just one specific part of our body that we need to experiment with listening to. 

So for you, for example, I know your authority is if you don't mind me saying it's emotional. You have an emotional authority and that is one of the trickier ones because people with an emotional authority we really need to um, there's seven types, there's seven authorities we could get. I don't know if we'll have time to get into all those, but I want to talk about emotional. You really need to um, kind of go down that road of feeling those sensations in your body and letting your emotions process and pass through and then getting to clarity and then you'll know whether something is a yes or no for you, whether it'll make you happy or not. But you kind of have to ride the high and the low of that. But there are six other authorities that someone could have and maybe your husband has sacral or splenic. 

17:05 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
He's actually emotional too. Is he really? He is Okay. I'm pretty sure I could Okay, well you keep talking about it, yeah. 

17:13 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Well, yeah, so there's people that are generators. I don't want to get too complicated here, but I know, sorry we all have the gut, we all have the sacral. If you're a generator or manifesting generator, you do have a gut response. So it's possible that a lot of the decisions in his life are not the emotions aren't getting engaged. Sometimes it's just if it's something is a more complicated decision than the emotions get engaged. 

If you are a generator type, listening to your gut can be, it can work in a lot of decisions. But, yeah, there's there's also like splenic, where you need to just like listen for that intuition, that intuitive hit, and that isn't so much about being in touch with different feelings in your body as much as it is just kind of being willing to sit in and be aware. One of them is called self-projected and that's when you speak, you you're gonna, you're going to sort of understand your own yes or no based on, like, what you say out loud. You'll hear it in your tone of voice. You'll hear it as you speak to someone who you know, you trust to not be giving you advice at that time. So there are. 

It can can be very liberating for someone who may have had, you know, some trust issues with their body, to find out like, oh well, you know, I have sacral authority, so if I just kind of practice listening, you know, practice this with like generators of that, we say that it can be great to practice learning what your yes or your no is when you're maybe deciding what to wear in the morning, right, like looking in your closet and being like, oh, like I kind of feel like I'm moving towards this one shirt or I'm feeling like kind of excited about wearing this one thing, and that can be a fun way to practice with that. But yeah, there are different, the different types have. It can be kind of liberating, I think. 

19:04 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
No, I think so too, and I think for people who have trouble connecting with their body, I think human design is such a great tool to use to help you connect. So you're not like a free-for-all trial and error. It like gives you like some constraints around it um, as long as you know we're not throwing anything out or getting too rigid about anything. But like it's, I do think, for me. 

Once I learned I was the emotional one and I needed to like ride the highs and the lows. It's like I could see that in my process. I still sometimes struggle with it in some areas, but like, overall, I'm like, okay, yeah, that is me, and it gave me. I felt like I had heard so much of that. Like I'm like, okay, yeah, that is me, and it gave me. I felt like I had heard so much of that like follow your gut, just trust the immediate instinct type thing, whereas it's like I need the time, and I think a lot of them need like the space and the time to make a decision, and so it was like, oh, it's okay that I don't immediately know. 

Like that's not anything that has gone wrong. So it's like for somebody who is listening one, you can go like literally just type in like free human design chart, and like you can pull up your chart and then it'll like give it to you and then you can Google, whatever your authority is, for more information about how it works, because we're obviously not covering everything in depth, because then we would be here for I don't know 105 hours, probably more so, but you can get an idea of that and you can see. If you've been trying to, maybe you've like learned about listening to your body from another type or authority who's kind of been pushing there what worked for them onto you, and it can be so liberating You're like, oh my God, I just don't function like that. That's not how my body operates. 

20:55 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Absolutely, that's so true, especially about that emotional authority, for sure, because one of the things you want to practice doing is saying, oh, can I sleep on that? That sounds wonderful. Can I have a couple of days to think about that? You're really wanting to slow that down so you can go through that whole wave. So that's so true. Yeah, some of them you're not supposed to know right in the moment. 

21:21 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
So, yeah, I noticed I have a tendency to in the moment I get really. I get like feed off someone else's energy. So if they're excited about something, I'll get really excited. I'm like, yeah, I'm totally. And then I like the next thing. I'm like why the fuck did? 

21:29 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
I agree to that Like yeah, damn it. 

21:36 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
And so it's like I've been better about being like. Just because I'm excited now and want to say yes now doesn't mean this is a yes Like. That has been a big, big learning lesson for me of like, you know, for like bigger things. Right, this is like, not because Jen had to help me with this, because I'm like but what about what I need to order at a restaurant? 

21:53 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Like how am I supposed? 

21:54 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
to sleep on this and Jen's like I don't need to do it for little decisions, andrea. I was like thank you, use your gut for that, yes, but it's like for these bigger things or agreeing to something of just like giving it some space, because I am way more likely to like literally feel like it's a full body, yes, and then like it's not a full body, it's the next day at all. And then I'm like absolutely. 

22:12 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
I always use the example for emotional authorities of like. Sometimes, like in the past, I remember somebody would invite me, maybe or two, on a trip or something, or be like, hey, do you want to go to Costa Rica or something? And I would be like, oh my gosh, yeah, of course. And then the next day I would be like, oh no, no, I don't want to do that, I can't afford that, or, you know, whatever comes into your mind, so it can be. You can really like start to understand what your own wave is. But I have that same problem getting really excited because someone else maybe is, and then needing to get all the way back to neutral, cause you don't want to just say no either because you've been conditioned to think you shouldn't spend the money or you shouldn't do things. You want to get back to neutral so that you can kind of see, like, will this make me happy? Actually, does this like bring a smile to my face there? So, yeah, the emotional one is a fun one. 

But something else I wanted to say about, about generator types, is something called the not self, which basically is it's just like what I like to think of as your red flag emotion, so a lot of emotions. 

You know they're, they're mind made like we're kind of creating them with our thoughts. 

And so for generator types, frustration it often means if you're feeling frustrated, it often means that you're kind of trying to figure something out or you're trying to sort of you're like tensing up and trying to get something figured out or fixed all on your own with your mind. 

And if you're a generator type, you have this ability to attract solutions from the outside world. So that frustration is this red flag and it's telling you to like okay, wait a minute, maybe, just like, let go of this thinking, kind of like let it unwind and release and open up again, and like untense yourself and open up and see what comes to you that might help you answer that question or that solve that problem from the outside world. So I think I think that can be really an amazing thing about human design is it shows you some, some areas where you may be tensing up on a regular basis and what that tension can look like for you and how to release that and let sort of you know the universe, or whatever you want to call it like help you, support you in your daily life. 

24:24 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yes, and this is something that Jen and I worked on, or Jen told me about and worked with me about, because this was such like a mind blowing thing, because a lot, lot like to me it's so helpful to dive into emotion, understand what's underneath and, you know, if we're like trying to rewire the nervous system or work with trauma patterns, so I was trying to apply that to like things that I shouldn't have been applying that to, such as when I would be in frustration about something I'm like why? 

24:54 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
am I frustrated? Let me figure this out and. 

24:56 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Jen's like stop trying to figure it out, just step away from what you're doing. She's like just stop and step away and go do something else. And I'm like I don't have to figure it out and like that's been so liberating too, because it's just like a Ooh, this is a sign that something is off. I don't even know what yet, and sometimes it's just a matter of stepping away and coming back to it, like it's just more that I needed to go take a walk or whatever it might be. And and yeah, when I get into that frustration, I mean I don't always remember, but I'm better about it to be like okay, this is. I like how you call it, that red flag emotion, and each type has their different variation of that but it's like to not try to figure it out when you're in. That saves so much energy and time. 

25:39 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, I mean as a generator myself. I think frustration is the one that I can picture as being like the biggest issue in my life over all these years. And so, yeah, I, I agree some emotions. You know we, we don't want to, we don't want to spiritually bypass, you know we don't want to not feel things. But frustration is really, for us at least, or I don't know, maybe for all the types. Frustration is, it's in your mind usually, you know it's up there and so letting that go it's, yeah, releasing that tension. It opens you back up again and then you get the answers a lot more easily, totally. 

26:14 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
It's almost like you're sticking your hand in like a pot of boiling water. It's like you don't sit there and be like let me keep feeling this and figure out what's going on, right. It's like, no, that's the time to take your hand out. 

Oh that's very good analogy. Yeah, it's like there are certain things where it's like, ooh, what's here, and let's explore and get curious and lean in, and that's so much. What, like, I'm working with people about is building their capacity to to lean into discomfort, but like purposeful discomfort. Right, we don't lean into suffering or pain or frustration in this case just for the sake of leaning into something uncomfortable. 

26:48 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
It's like we want to have the intention around it, so yeah, yeah, and the last thing for generators the sort of the opposite the green flag, I guess of a generator type is the feeling of satisfaction. So that's really what you're going for in this experiment is that you want to feel satisfied with the way that you used your energy. At the end of the day you want to use it all up and feel really satisfied day. You want to use it all up and feel really satisfied and also some joy. You know generators are really meant to feel have a lot of pleasure in our lives, feel joy, and sometimes you can feel like that's a long way away, but I I can attest that if you start this experiment and you start listening more to your inner wisdom, you do go in that direction and there is more of that in your life. It's pretty magical, absolutely yeah. 

27:38 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
I think All right, so we've got-. What about the other types? Yeah, sorry, we really dug into our type. 

27:43 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
So the next one I talked about is projectors. So projectors I think it's about. They say like maybe 20% of the population? I think that's right. Maybe 20% of the population, I think that's right. And projectors are a newer type in the world and they're really meant to be guides for humanity. It can feel tricky to them because they have often, like their guidance, their advice, their insights about things that can be fixed and made more efficient in the world, which is really what their brain is doing all the time. They're not always met with openness from other people. 

So as a projector, you really want to follow your strategy, which is to wait for the invitation to share. So that is something really I think can be a huge experiment and a great change in a projector's life is, once you start like kind of looking around and being aware of whether or not the person or the institution or whatever it is that you can see, that you're like fascinated by and you're absorbed by and you're kind of seeing how it can be fixed or changed or guided by. And you're kind of seeing how it can be fixed or changed or guided, seeing if it's open, the energy's open, or even if you're being directly asked to do that. It just changes everything, because the signature feeling for a projector is to feel successful in helping someone, in guiding, in sort of making things more efficient, in guiding in sort of you know, making things more efficient. So that success comes when you're, when you are working with open energy from some other, from other people, and the red flag emotion for a projector is bitterness. 

So projectors that don't necessarily look for this invitation can often feel like I have these insights, I need to help this person, or I can see how it's so easy for me, to see how this can be better, this can be fixed, and they just want to give it, especially within families, within you know to share that and and getting um, maybe not getting appreciation in return, and that can can bring a feeling of bitterness, like I have all this to give and nobody wants it. And so learning that strategy of like waiting for to be invited to share, waiting to feel like someone is really has recognized you Recognition is a big theme for projectors is really has recognized you. Recognition is a big theme for projectors Feeling like someone has recognized what you have to offer and your expertise. And once that has, once you've been recognized and you can give that to yourself as well. That's something to do as a projector. If you're feeling bitter or not getting the invitations, just recognizing yourself can be really healing. 

30:36 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, so yeah, and for that wait for an invitation. Can you give some examples of like what an invitation could look like? Cause I feel like I took that so literally and it's not quite as literal, I think, as it sounds. 

30:51 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
It can be both Right, so the literal invitation is, you know, for example, if you're maybe you're in business, you're a coach or something, and you kind of want to be waiting for someone else to invite you, like on a podcast or something like hey, do you want to come and share your wisdom with my group, or something, that's the literal invitation. That's obvious, um, but I think that once you start to pay attention, it's not too difficult to recognize an energetic invitation. Um, and that can be like you can start to notice it with friends, for example, like if you think about who in your friend group or your family always wants to hear what you think is always maybe asking you like, how, how do you, how would you do this? That is an energetic invitation and you just then know that that person sees you and recognizes you as someone who can help or who has these insights yeah, does that help make that, make more sense yeah, it does. 

31:53 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, and I think the other I know for me when I was like as like a coach, but I was like, but what if like in every session, how do I know? And I think I don't know if it was you. It's like no, if they've like signed up to work with you, then like yes, that's already the invitation. 

32:07 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)

32:08 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
It's not in every moment. Okay yeah, it takes a little while, yeah. 

32:13 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
I don't know why. Yeah, it can take a little while to kind of let go of the total literal and understand more, but I think you can, as if you're a projector. You, you know what it feels like when someone is not inviting you, because you feel that you feel that sort of bitterness of like what is happening, like they're not listening to me at all or they're I have all these insights and they don't care. You know, so you can recognize the difference if you start to do that contrast, I think yeah, no, that's. 

32:43 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
That's such a great way to put it up. Just like thinking on past times where you have inserted your advice. That was probably fantastic advice and it has not been well received. Yeah, not that I wouldn't have any idea what that's like, because I never insert my opinions anywhere where I shouldn't pay them. But yeah, what's the difference? I guess because it's like so projector's waiting for the invitation, but generator is waiting to respond. 

33:12 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, so waiting for the invitation is really like in that relationship, making sure that the energy is open to you, waiting to respond. Yeah, so waiting for an invitation is really like in that relationship, making sure that the energy is open to you. Waiting to respond is the whole world, everything external to you. What's coming into your world, what is around you, and how is your physical energy responding to it? 

33:31 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)

33:32 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, got it. 

33:34 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, I need to clear it up for myself too. Yeah, okay, yeah, got it. Yeah, like I need to clear it up for myself too. 

33:37 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, yeah, okay, cool. Another thing people ask about projectors is like what are you supposed to do when you're waiting for the invitation? Right, yeah, and so one of the things they say is to focus on what is fascinating to you, sort of like creating something where you're sort of sharing with the world in some way maybe it's social media or maybe you know whatever, but just whatever you're most fascinated with and you're learning about, and where your insights are focused, sharing that, and then people who need that and who are going to recognize you will see you and find you, and then that's then they're inviting you. 

34:21 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, I love that yeah, yeah, awesome, all right, then we have reflectors, so that's yeah. So then we have. 

34:27 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Well, we have manifestors. Oh, manifestors are, I think, like nine, nine percent or so of the population. They say Manifestors are. They're a little different. The last two are a little different, being rarer. 

Manifestors have this really impactful, this aura that's meant to sort of disrupt the status quo. So, while the other types are, you know more, it's more in relation to what's coming from the outside world or from people with. For manifestors, they're really downloading, they're having creative surges and downloading information and they're they're kind of like it's an internal process of what they want to do is kind of coming through them. Want to do is kind of coming through them, and so they're really just meant to have a major impact on the world. And they usually have big energy surges followed by an extreme need to rest. And I didn't mention about that, about projectors. That's one of the most, I think, validating things for projectors to learn too is that you don't have that sacral energy generating, and so projectors do often feel that they need a lot more rest. They like to take naps, they might want to work in their pajamas. That's a big thing. For projectors and manifestors it's kind of this like all or nothing kind of thing, like they have these huge surges and they want to put something out in the world and then they just need to crash Yep, yeah. 

So the strategy for manifestors is to inform, and that is it's a little tricky. So it's happening kind of like after they get these surges or these downloads or these like creative ideas. What can happen is that if they don't inform people who might be affected by what they're going to do or who could theoretically help them or support them, if they don't speak about it and inform them, then they can meet with resistance from others. So the strategy of letting people know this is what I'm going to do, this is what I'm all about, this is what I want to accomplish. It sort of like clears the path so that there's less resistance, and that can be really hard for manifest. It can be liberating to learn that as a manifester, that like, oh, maybe this will help me with the resistance that I felt. 

But a lot of the time, manifestors have maybe had conflict in relationships because they just want to do their own thing and people get like upset about it and so they kind of shut down and they stop wanting to have those conversations. But they're really important because those conversations clear the path for them to do what they want to do the way they want to do it. Their red flag emotion is anger, and anger comes when they are feeling resistance from other people for what they want to do. So that is another reason why it's so important to inform and let people know what you're up to, because then you're clearing the path and the, the signature emotion, the, the sign that you're on the right track. 

The green flag for manifestors is peace, feeling peace, nice, okay, yeah, so that's a smaller part of the population, but they have big energy and I think often manifestors feel like they, like they've kind of their whole life been sort of told to be smaller and have smaller energy and fit into boxes and fit into nine to five culture or this or that, and it just does not work for them. They are really meant to have this impactful big energy and people want to follow them, like, I think, jennifer aniston and donald trump not to bring up his name oh my gosh, you can edit that out if you want but both of those people are manifestors. So it just kind of shows a little bit how they just have this, this vibe and this energy where, for some reason, like certain people, want to follow them, want to just see what they're doing and be behind them, no matter what they do yeah, that's so fascinating isn't that fascinating. 

Yes, yeah, it's pretty wild. Um, okay, and so then the last type of the five is the reflector, and a reflector is it's one percent of population. There's only a. I've only met a couple Reflectors are. Sandra Bullock is one. I always point that out. 

Yeah, they're just the most empathetic people. They have all of their chakra centers in their chart, are all open, so they're just it all in. They are meant to just kind of like become aware of the energy coming from the outside and whether that is healthy for them or not, whether the environments they're in feel healthy and releasing what isn't theirs. I was like taking the time to let that go, because they're so wise and they just have so much understanding of other people. Because of all of that, that empathy, those, that energy that they can see. 

For reflectors, they they really have to take a long time to make a decision because they're they're very fluid and their moods can change from day to day. Their moods can change based on the moon, on what's going on around them, on other people's energy. So for reflectors, they always have the same authority, they always have this lunar authority, and it's important to take as much time as you can. I mean up to a month or more to make a decision, because you're going to feel differently from day to day and what you want to do is get to the point where a certain decision is kind of consistently feeling good, consistently feeling right for you throughout these different changes in your mood and your energy. And all of that For reflectors, their red flag emotion is disappointment. 

And I think when you're taking in all of humanity and everything that's going on, you're going to feel a lot of disappointment and that is just such a huge thing to release and to let go of, because what you're meant to feel as a reflector is surprised and delighted by the universe. So being able to sort of forgive and release that disappointment opens you up again. Again it's like this tension of your, of your red flag emotion, and if you're letting that, it opens you up to allow in delight and allow in surprise. So, um, yeah, it's, it's tricky for reflectors. 

And there's some people yeah there's some people that only have a couple of of centers that are defined. That's a whole other part of it and they can feel a lot like a reflector. There can be um a lot like some. Some projectors can have very few centers, and so they're going to feel more empathetic and have some more of those tendencies. So, yeah, yeah. 

41:44 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
And so with the open centers, is that like that's where you're taking in information from the outside? Yeah, If your centers. 

41:50 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
If you look at your chart and you see some of the centers are white, then those are places where, yes, where you're sort of taking in energy from others and really needing to like make sure that you don't think it's your own energy. 

42:05 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)

42:06 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Letting that go, which everyone always thinks is so weird. It is really weird. But if you have a center that's colored in, then that means that you are impacting the world with your energy. 

42:24 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Fascinating and obviously there's like profiles and all these things which we're not going to have time to get into, but you can go look yours up because you can. I mean, there's all. There are so many things that I still do not know about it, but but I just want to say I have a question for you. Maybe it's a random question, but I feel like I'm excited. 

As you were talking about it. So like not to bring back Donald Trump, Okay, but it's like. Clearly he's like operating in this world doing his thing, whatever. Whatever, we're not going to talk about that, but it's like whatever. But then I feel like you have different types that are like he's not in the self-help space is what I want to get at, right. It's like I like I don't know what Tony Robbins is, for example, or like Mel Robbins or not to bring in the Robbins, um, but it's like. But you have these people who are like here's's like, like, like me, it's like I'm helping people to work with their body and I will. 

I started for most of my one on one clients holding their human design just to get an idea of their type, but I'm not. I always tell them I'm like, I'm not an expert, Like this is just so I can get a general sense because I do find it to be helpful. And then most people start deep diving on their own and stuff. But like, it's like when I'm speaking to a group of people, right, it's like when I am sharing something that has worked really well for me, for instance, and my clients, I think I start. I think the one thing human does. The one downside of human design is it made me really like. But what if someone's a reflector? And then they're taking this and that doesn't work for them. And now they're trying to use something and I'm cause I have this my like. One theme of my life is like complete fear of causing harm. 

Okay, so like yeah, like this piece of like like oh my goodness, what if I'm suggesting something that doesn't work Right? Or like I feel like you'll hear that right. It's like that's where I kind of adopted this idea of like oh, I should be able to just like listen to my gut, because I think there's some pretty prominent people that speak about that. Yeah, I don't know. So it's like, how do we manage that? Like what? Yeah? That's a really good question Other types, like where do we just shut someone else's like? 

44:41 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
yeah, I mean, I think that's a really great question and I think that human design is here in this time to as part of there's something we call the new paradigm, where and it has a lot to do with astrology and how we're moving into this Aquarius time right, and Aquarius is about knocking down the hierarchies and people are equal and, have you know, we don't need to look to outer authorities all of that. So I feel like your question it's like this is human design is here to show us more of how people are different and how people's energy works differently and help us to not be making blanket statements about energy in the first place. So I think it's very smart to, if you have doing a talk for a huge group of people, run it past human design, like you know, talk to a human design expert or or just kind of think about it in relation to energy, and maybe you open up more to what you're saying, like you know. 

45:51 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
I don't know if you have maybe an example of like something that you've kind of said hey, this works for me, but um, I mean, I feel like I always bring in nuance, my issues bring away too much nuance, because then I get like oh my God, but this person can do this Right. 

46:08 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)

46:08 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
I mean ultimately, my underlying message is how to listen to your own body. 

46:14 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Exactly, and that's, I think that that's what human design is helping the coaching world even more to remember that it's all about your own Like, yeah, like we both learned from teachers that are like you know your body compass is in your gut, right, but now we know well, maybe that person has a sacral authority and maybe somebody else is going to hear it in their voice. So it's just, I think it's just a new tool that is helping us see even more variety and even more just really valid and liberating ways that people operate. 

46:49 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yes, yeah, no, I totally agree with that. Yeah, it's so funny because I get like so worked up over stuff, because I'm actually trying to do more public speech. And so this is like so on top of mind right now, but when I like actually sit there and like look at my message and what I'm going to say and I'm like I'm totally fine, like I don't know, why no? 

47:07 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
I do that too because I think it's so. We are definitely like, I mean, I think that there's, you know, older souls they say are like really, we're so compassionate, we don't want to do harm, like you said, and so I think that's one of the hugest things that anyone in in this sort of healing and coaching spaces we get hung up on, that Like we don't want to say the wrong thing and it can stop us from sharing any message. So, but I know you're right that, like, when you really think about what you're sharing, you're doing, you are, there is room for everyone, and you are not telling people what to do. You know you're telling them to come back to their inner self, and that's why I like to call human design authority their inner authority, because really that's what it is. It's like not giving your authority away to the, to the external world, to any person who is acting like an authority, but coming back to yourself. 

48:01 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
So yeah, yeah, it's like this almost chicken or egg thing, right, when it's like when you have this connection with your body and like I always talk about like running things through your own body, Like you have to take something and just like run it through your own system, like whatever that means for you, but it's when you don't know how to yet do that and you are trying to figure out who to learn that from or how to learn that it's. It's really challenging to have that discernment because you don't yet trust your own discernment. And I really think that when people are able to just even notice where they're handing off their power to someone and just by starting with that awareness of like I'm just like full-on trusting what this person says that they they really do notice a clenching in their system or a tightening or whatever it might be for them, however it presents. And I'll say, though, I've also had, like I'm working with a coach right now who it's like we have developed so much trust and rapport, where she's trialing out like a new modality that she's learning on me, Right, and it's really like counterintuitive and but it's like I can see where, like we were. I'm not going to go into what it is. 

But it's like we had this conversation or she was telling me to do something yesterday that it was like, well, like, had it not been her, I would have been like, oh hell, no, Like, what are you talking about? I don't trust this. You know, like I could feel my whole body like and but I but I trusted her and I had built up like my body already, trust her, and it's like it actually went really well then and it was like we came out the other side and I was like, so there's just so much nuance to all of this is really where I'm. Maybe I'm just adding more confusion to it, because this is what I do, but like goes back to where I want to loop it back to is the experimentation piece. Yes, yes, Exactly. 

Taking what I did yesterday with a coach, it's like I was just experienced like worst case. I end up being probably really uncomfortable in my body for a little bit and I'm really tired, Right, Like we were doing like an energetic thing. I was like it's pretty hard to like create any long lasting harm for something like that. So I think it's just when you have that discernment of like what if I just play with this. What if I just play with ordering off the menu by completely trusting my gut? Worst case I don't like my meal. Worst case I don't like my meal. 

First, case I don't like my outfit Right, Like, yeah, Playing with these things and just letting yourself this is this is my three talking Jen of my throw spaghetti at the wall and just try things. 

50:43 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yeah, but yeah, it's like letting it be an experiment and not needing to get it right um, yeah, it's like letting it be an experiment and not needing to get it right right away, because how often does your mind get it right, gosh, right like? If we were all just walking around with our minds being just absolute, perfect decision makers, then we wouldn't even be interested in trying anything else. Right like. But we've been told forever that you know the logical mind and the brain is like you know pros and cons list. These are the only ways to make decisions. 

So I just think it's exciting and fun to try another experiment, try something else and like look at what your human design says about you. Know what about you? Like? Maybe you have your intuition is meant to be a stronger source of truth for you. And it's just, I think it's just a fun experiment. And really, once you do it for a while, you start to see your life kind of feeling like more ease, more flow, like more opportunities coming in. It's that's where the magic is. Once you try this experiment, you feel less frustrated, less bitter, less angry, less disappointed. Like, okay, I'm gonna keep trying this experiment. You feel less frustrated, less bitter, less angry, less disappointed. Like, okay, I'm going to keep trying this out. Right, it's just, I think it's just a fun experiment that leads in really good directions. 

51:57 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
So I agree. I mean, that's been my experience and it's like I barely deep dived into it, but it's like been so helpful so far. Okay, I have another question for you. My, I'm just calling my sister out. She and I've had some one other person say this too of like, see their human design and be like. No, like, this is not me, like this feels so wrong in every way, and I will say I was very surprised by her human design. I expected her to be a hermit. She was not Like it. Yeah, there is an element of like. 

Oh, yeah, that's like not her, and I will say I don't think she listens to this podcast or she won't hear me say this I'm super curious she's like not really open to this Of like she also has a lot of frustration and stress and some chronic health issues. I'm like what if she's like just living so not by her design at all, that her actual true design is just like unrecognizable to her? 

52:59 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Oh, I think that that's definitely a stage for a lot of people, like, unless she decides she wants to try that she may never know. But I think I mean again, we're saying take it or leave it If it works for you or doesn't. And also, I haven't yet met a person who didn't find some recognition in it, unless they just really weren't interested or closed off to it or were feeling it goes against maybe one of their gifts. Like there's we can get we won't get into this today, obviously, but there's something called channels and gates, which are which can call out specific gifts that you have, and one of them is logic and skepticism. So maybe she has that channel and she's really relying on it because maybe it's helps her feel like she's, you know, fitting in with with what our culture values the most. 

This is just like one way of looking at it, possibly, and she doesn't want another perspective. She doesn't want to try something out because that has helped her feel like she belongs or it's working for her. There's just, you know, I think and it's fun too, like when I talk one-on-one with people who don't necessarily feel like their type and we dig in a little bit, then they can see it differently, because if you haven't spent much time studying it, then you might only hear one word about your type and just be like no. And then if you look at it in different ways you can kind of see oh, like, maybe I should experiment with that, that makes sense. 

54:34 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Totally and yeah like, and you can Google a lot of stuff about human design. 

54:38 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Yes, there's stuff everywhere. 

54:39 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
And like everyone kind of has their own spin or take on it. So I have. If I don't know, this is what I do. I'm not saying this is the right. Jen can probably speak to this. I'm like if I read something and I'm like I don't know, that doesn't like feel quite right, I'll just like read a couple other variations of it till one maybe understand a little better or like whatever you know, just to be like okay, what else? 

55:01 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
is there? What else is someone else? 

55:03 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
And I will say I mean my biggest recommendation to anyone who's listening and is like I want to dive in more is like, oh my gosh, go get someone to get you a reading, because when you go and pull your free chart which you can it is like the most meaningless thing you'll ever look at, because it is. That is like my one gripe of human design is. I feel like there's a like barrier to entry. There is a little bit yes, and it's like that is like the one. Oh, that's like my one thing with it, because it's so. I almost feel like it's like that person who speaks overly analytical and using big words just to like sound super smart. I kind of feel like no offense to human design. 

Like it's almost like that. 

55:44 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
It's like ha ha, I'm talking, it's not, though, human design like it's almost like that it's like haha, I'm talking, it's not, though, like once you go into it, I mean whatever. Well, ra was a manifester, so I apparently Ra who downloaded it. He just was here to disrupt and like shock people and throw these words out there, and so it's needed. 

55:58 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
It's needed to be softened and translated by people yes, and and like it's, it's so helpful because it's so overwhelming to try to under. I don't even know how. I didn't try to understand on my own. I had someone. I initially had a reading and then I worked with Jen, who is amazing and I highly recommend because I feel like she breaks things down so well and makes them very applicable to you, because ultimately, that's what's most important, because ultimately, that's what's most important. 

56:30 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
That's where the fun experiment is, and when you can figure out how to use your own yeah gifts and channels and like, yeah, that's the beauty of it. 

56:36 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yeah, I feel like it was very helpful working with you, jen, in terms of like giving me like one little piece to focus on. Yes, I definitely that's my incarnation cross. 

56:46 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
My purpose is to take is literally to take like sort of sort of futuristic ideas or like kind of insights and then make them really simple and easy to understand. So I that's what I try to do in my readings, for sure, you definitely do. 

57:02 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
I love that. That's so funny. I didn't know that was your thing but yeah so highly, highly recommend if this has been helpful to you as like book a session with Jen or anyone else who resonates with you. But Jen's awesome. I'm biased here and and just like go through it, even if it's just like a, just a session to just understand, because just from like one session you're so much to kind of work with and start exploring which is kind of another thing I really like about it is like you can just take one tiny piece and and go for like months with just that. 

It doesn't have to be this. 

57:41 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Okay, now I'm signing up for some big coaching program and I'm meeting every week Like I mean it could if you wanted to explore and stuff like that, but um, yeah, no, they really recommend, we recommend starting with your type, strategy and authority and we didn't quite get to all the authorities today, but those that helps you with your strategy. So those three things, I mean the. The idea is to experiment with those for six months, or a year even, and just start to feel how, how that is working in your life before you dive deeper. So yeah, there's, you can definitely start in a very understandable place, I think. 

58:14 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Yes, any last things that you want people to know? 

58:20 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Um gosh, any last things, um, I mean, I just come back to how transformative it's been for me really to recognize that I'm someone who doesn't need to be pushing so hard as a generator and doesn't need to, like you know the hustle culture we all talk about, like that's just not my path and that made me frustrated for so long and to kind of realize, oh no, I'm actually meant to attract solutions and I don't have to be pushing like that. So there's just been so much transformation in my own life from experimenting with it that I just I don't know, I'm just going to talk about it forever because it can be so helpful for people. So, yeah, you know, there's, like you said, there's free sites to get your chart and you can dive in all over the place to get more information about it, or a reading can be really helpful to, yeah, start to practice. 

59:16 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
If someone was interested in a reading from you, where can they find you? And I can put things in the show notes as well. 

59:21 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Oh, yeah, my website is and my business is called Lit Up by Design and you can just go check out what I've got there. I actually have solar return readings on there. Now, after I did yours, I've done a couple um that. Yeah, that's a whole other thing which we. 

59:37 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
It's like. 

59:37 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
I still don't even understand what that was, but that was really cool, yeah it's a little bit of madness, but um, but yeah, there's readings on there that I have um foundation readings, and then I also have like a small kind of package where we can apply your design to like a specific area of your life, Like if you're starting a business or you know dating or something like you know something like that. We can kind of apply your design to that. So that's a fun one too. 

01:00:03 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Amazing. Well, thank you so so much, jen. This was so helpful. 

01:00:07 - Jen Mallinger (Guest)
Thank you for having me. This was super fun. I always love talking with you about this stuff. 

01:00:12 - Dr. Andrea Moore (Host)
Me too, me too, all right, thank you so much. Thank you Bye, bye. 


Jen Mallinger Profile Photo

Jen Mallinger

Human Design Guide / Energy Intuitive / Coach

Jen is a human design guide for anyone who wants a more joyful life, without having to spend a bunch of time trying to “figure out” what’s wrong…or how to “fix it”. She has a passion for empowering women to be their most authentic selves. Through human design, she helps them discover their own unique patterns of energy and brings more clarity and inspiration to their life.

Jen has supported numerous women using intuitive guidance. She helps create aligned action plans and helps women move powerfully in the direction of their most authentic reality in any area of life. She offers programs for those just beginning their journey into human design and also for those who may have the foundation but want to go deeper into their design.