Free Yourself from the Burden of Pain!

Tami Stackelhouse

Tami Stackelhouse Profile Photo

Master Certified Fibromyalgia Coach®

Tami Stackelhouse is a dedicated advocate for fibromyalgia patients, offering the knowledge, care, and support they need to thrive. After being disabled by fibromyalgia, Tami has experienced many years of remission. A coach for over 15 years, her compassionate approach, gentle support, and fun coaching style have empowered fibromyalgia patients worldwide to take back control of their lives and health. Tami is the executive producer of the fibromyalgia documentary, INVISIBLE, and the founder of the International Fibromyalgia Coaching Institute, where she leads her Certified Fibromyalgia Coach® training program. Tami shares her insights and positivity through her Fibromyalgia Podcast® and award-winning books. Her latest innovation, the Fibromyalgia Wellness Style℠ quiz, provides science-based guidance for fibromyalgia patients to effectively manage their symptoms by utilizing their natural strengths.

May 24, 2024

Navigating Fibromyalgia with Tami Stackelhouse

Take the Pain Response Subtype Assessment: Take the Fibromyalgia Wellness Style Quiz: Discovering that managing fibromyalgia can be as unique as ...

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